About Us

The Unlimited Source for IT Products

Techno Track is one of the leading value-added distribution company of IT and Business Communication in Dubai UAE more than 12 Years with business growth 18% per annum. We have 100+ resellers partner network with location all over the UAE. As the link between the Resellers and dealers we smooth the path for the successful distribution of intelligent IT Products, All Known Brand HPE, Dell, Lenovo, Asus, Apple, Acer, Microsoft, Cisco, Aruba, Ubiquiti, MikroTik, Tp-Link, D-link, Linksys, Xerox, Canon, Epson, Samsung, APC etc. We mainly deal in Business/Commercial device like Server Solutions, Workstations, Laptop, Desktop, All in One Computer, Docking Station, Server Parts, Storage Solutions, Cloud Storage, Networking, Customized Desktop, Printers, Photocopier, Ink Cartridge, Toner, Projectors, Projection Screen, UPS, Networking Switches, software & Accessories.

We provide the best after sales services and delivery to our customer's. We have dedicated Technical Team for all IT upgrades, customization, installation and services.

We Believe Team Work Makes Dream Work!!!

Who We Are?

Techno Track Trading Co. LLC, has determinedly striven and grown with the ambition to become the leading partner in the world of IT products supply. 12+ Years in IT market worked with different group of companies who we are inspired by the deep understanding of customer needs and intimate knowledge of innovative solution. Techno Track has been committed to deliver nothing short of exceptional services and products. Our motto is to earn the trust through ethical, responsible conduct and make memorable customer experience.

Contact Us and Get it Done

Contact us for all your technology requirements and experience a significant journey through our highly qualified professionals who possess all the necessary expertise and experience in order to make sure that you get the right products at the most affordable prices.

Our Mission

"Techno Track aims to be the most reliable destination and the right choice for any customer in search of a dependable IT partner, to deliver and support their ever growing IT needs. "

Our Vision

"With a vision to accomplish client satisfaction to the highest levels in all our endeavors, Promise Computer Technology stands committed to its goal by delivering the best in class products, services and solutions. "

Our Motive

Our Motive is to Deliver Satisfaction to our customers over our products and services.

Plan Your Visit

Getting to Techno Track Trading is easy via the Dubai Metro. The nearest station is Sharaf DG Al Fahidi Bur Dubai and, its a walkable distance from the station.

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